How Tos

Blogs & "How To" Guides

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The goal of this site is to help: identify problems, ask how bad they are, identify potential solutions, and help people work together on all of the above. That breaks out into a couple different steps, and for each I have a couple additional levels with more detailed instructions depending how far down the rabbit hole you want to go.

Alright, but HOW do I do those things. Well, again, how much detail do you want? (See below)

Identify a new problem (See More Detailed Version) Short version (Below):

  1. (Mostly done off-site). Hear about a problem, figure out if it's a "one-off" or a bigger issue/risk, and see if it's already uploaded to the site.

Create/upload a Problem (More Detailed Version). Short version (Below):

  1. First, find a problem and figure out if it’s already been uploaded.
  2. Choose your approach (and yes a mix of both is a valid answer):
    1. Dig in and do the research (and keep a list of what resources you use, they’ll come in handy later) and try to fill out the form in one go.
    2. Add it as a placeholder, and you (and/or a team) can flesh it out later.
  3. First go here to fill out the form.
    1. Note: if you do this as a guest/without logging you can request to be added as lead later, or you can email me at and I can correct it.
  4. Write a problem title and quick description in the summary.
    1. Note: This is the bare minimum to submit into our database.
  5. Add impact statements.
    1. These tell us how big an issue this really is (and how it appears on the Problems page).
    2. Details on how located here.
  6. Add any potential solutions.
    1. Note: steps 1-6 are all rolled up to the table on the Problems page.
  7. Go back and fill in additional description and context.
    1. Each description box should be 1 or two sentences describing the problem (or throw the messier version in the dropbox if you can’t figure out how to narrow it to one or two sentences).
    2. Context is for details on the environment that the problem occurs in, the driving forces behind it, and other factors that might be relevant.
  8. Add metrics, future research ideas, references and hashtags.
    1. Relevant studies or statistics that back-up how “bad” the problem is. (It can also help measure any solution as the problem starts to get fixed.)
    2. Anything you may need help on researching. (For instance, do you know what metrics to add?)
    3. References: additional reading and/or what research went into creating the problem.
  9. Submit it.
    1. Note: You will be assigned a task for any sections not completed, so you may get a notification after you submit. You can complete (or ignore) these at your leisure. (Details for tasks are in the maintaining problems/solutions section(s).)

Problem/Solution Development, Updates, and Maintenance (and coordination with your team) (See More Detailed Version) Short version (Below):

  1. Login and then use the collaboration page (click “collaborate here” on a description page (example here) or if you’re part of the collab team then click the correct “collab center” on “your issues/solutions” tab). (All the below assume you’re already on the collaboration page).
  2. Edit the problem/solution description.
    1. See “Create/upload a Problem”, only with boxes already populated.
    2. Click the button at the top to delete it (if you’re the lead).
  3. Manage the team (“Team Members” button).
    1. Either join the team, take on another role, or remove yourself from a role.
    2. Team members can have different roles. These help teammates know who can help with certain tasks, and help everyone else to know who does what. Only “required” roles are: ‘lead’ and ‘member’.
    3. If you’re the lead you can remove team members (except other leads), and you’re the default for any tasks that are assigned.
  4. Send messages/bulletins (“Bulletin Board”).
    1. Posts are sorted by “To” list and Issue/Solution (if applicable). If you’re in the bulletin board for a problem/solution, it only shows the post both to you (and public) for that problem/solution. If you’re in the messages from your account, it shows all of the ones that have you in the “to” or “info” line.
    2. From either one add posts, reply, and edit/delete previously sent.
  5. Tasks (“Task List”).
    1. This is the “to do” list for you and/or the whole problem/solution that you’re working on. There is a description page for each task, and a roll-up that page. The roll-up for each problem/solution shows every single task (if it’s assigned to you our not). The roll-up under your account only shows the tasks that were either tasked by you, tasked to you, or you are on “info” for.
    2. A link at the top let you add a task, and will open a new page. The description, what issue/solution the task supports, assignee, due date and amount of effort required will all be shown in the roll-up. Note: If you know something needs to be done but you don’t know how, you can create a task and then click “I need help”.
    3. For any open tasks you can off to help out (adds you as an actionee), see more details, and close (if you are the actionee or created the task). If someone has assigned a task to you, you can accept or reject this task.
  6. Resources.
    1. Add resources for future references or that can help the team.
  7. Future options (some day).
    1. Link to news stories as they occur.
    2. Adjudicate results.

Get feedback & help on the problem:

  1. Our best advice is to create tasks, and post messages/bulletins when you need help/advice.
  2. You can also ask for help by emailing me at

Identify a new solution Short version (Below):

  1. When you read about problem (either on this website or elsewhere), research or think up your own ways to solve it. (This is mostly done off-site right now, but we’re trying to figure out what tools we could add to our site to help).
  2. If you can think of something that makes the world better (even if it’s not tied to a problem), you can upload those as well.
  3. See if it’s already uploaded, if so: see it needs to be updated. If not: upload a new solution to the site. (If the problem it’s solving isn’t uploaded, you can add that as well).

Create/upload a solution (See More Detailed Version) Short version (Below):

  1. Come up with either a solution to a problem (or just something that makes the world better), and see if it’s already in our database.
  2. Choose your approach (and yes a mix of both is a valid answer):
    1. Dig in and do the research (and keep a list of what resources you use, they’ll come in handy later) and try to fill out the form in one go.
    2. Add it as a placeholder, and you (and/or a team) can flesh it out later.
  3. First go here to fill out the form.
    1. Note: if you do this as a guest/without logging in you can’t modify it later unless you email me at
  4. Write a the title and quick description in the summary.
    1. Note: This is the bare minimum to submit into our database.
  5. Identify what problems this solves, and fill out potential benefits.
    1. These tell us how much “goodness” a solution add to the world (and how it appears on the Solutions page).
    2. Details on how to assess the benefits are located here.
  6. Fill in what type of changes would need to happen to make this solution happen, and what the estimate times/costs would be to implement it.
    1. Note: steps 1-6 are all rolled up to the table on the Solutions page.
  7. Go back and fill in additional description.
    1. Each description box should be 1 or two sentences describing the solution (or throw the messier version in the dropbox if you can’t figure out how to narrow it to one or two sentences).
  8. Add references and hashtags.
    1. References: additional reading and/or what research went into creating the solution.
  9. Submit it.
    1. Note: You will be assigned a task for any sections not completed, so you may get a notification after you submit. You can complete (or ignore) these at your leisure. (Details for tasks are in the maintaining problems/solutions section(s)).